Prenatal Fitness
Exercise during pregnancy can be tricky, right?!
You want to exercise for your health and the baby’s, but you’re not sure where to start.
What movements are safe?
Can you keep doing what you’ve been doing?
What if you haven’t been doing any exercise… now what?!
I promise you it doesn’t have to be so complicated. I’ve created an exercise guide that walks you through weeks 6-41 of pregnancy — I even took myself through these workouts during my second pregnancy — so you don’t have to guess about what you should be doing.
Postpartum Fitness
Recovery that centers around strength, energy and alleviating symptoms - not weight loss.
Postpartum is a time like no other.
While jumping back into our old fitness routine can give us some stability and a sense of control (when everything else in life feels so out of control) we also need to acknowledge that we’ve changed. Our bodies are different and the demands of parenting are monumental and our workouts should reflect this transition.
If you’re someone who has never enjoyed exercise or felt safe exercising, this may be the perfect time to form a new, cohesive relationship with movement as it can add immense value to your life in this new role as a parent.
This 16 week exercise guide will help you recover from birth and support you in meeting the physical demands of parenthood.
Programs for both vaginal and c-section birth are included!
“My body will never go back to what it was; it’s made a person, traveled to another dimension, and given birth to another world.”
— Angela Garbes
“I appreciated that the program started off a little slower to help me get back into a routine, and then eventually got into some really great strength workouts. I will definitely recommend this program to other mamas I know!”
— Jana [first time mom]