Rules are meant to be broken.

How many rules about food and exercise have you believed in the past?

You must earn your food with exercise.

Fruit is much too sugary to eat.

Exercise only counts if it’s at least 60 minutes in duration.

Don’t eat anything after 8pm.

If you’re not sore the next day, the workout didn’t count.

Or my absolute favorite… You’re not hungry, you’re just thirsty! 🙄

You’re not alone if you’ve adhered to any of these before and it’s also not your fault. I’m here to let you off the hook and also confirm that all of these rules are complete and total BS!

You never have to earn your calories.

We can stop demonizing sugar.

All movement “counts”.

Maybe you’re thirsty, sure, but maybe you're also just hungry.

It’s ok to have an appetite! Great, in fact.

Never forget that diet/wellness culture sucks and you are awesome. Seriously. 

It’s not your job to have the perfect diet and workout plan. I’m guessing you have a few other things on your plate that require the brain space and energy that these would necessitate. 

If movement and cooking bring you pleasure, lovely! 

And if they don’t, but you want to find a neutral relationship with them because you know food and movement can bring you benefit, then that’s ok too. We can find a middle ground where we’re not actively trying to manipulate our bodies but we are using food and movement as a tool to improve our lives. 

Trust me. I’ve been there and back.

These rules stem from one deep seeded belief 👉 that girls and women should take up as little space as possible- literally and figuratively.

Well, I’m no longer interested in that.

I’m going to eat delicious food because eating without pleasure is just mundane.

I’m going to exercise because it feels good and makes me feel strong.

I’m going to wear clothes that feel cozy and comfy and not worry about looking as small as possible. (ummm hello wide leg pants- where have you been all of my life?!)

I'm going to use my voice because I have something to say and I no longer need to apologize for doing just that. 

Won’t you please join me? 😍🥳💪


What about body positivity?


How I’m handling some chronic health concerns, without weight loss.