Jana’s Postpartum Recovery & Exercise Guide Testimonial
Q: How would you describe the user experience of the program?
A: The program was very easy to use! I loved having the option to watch videos of the movements along with the description, so I knew exactly what it should look like. The movements felt very comfortable to do during postpartum. I appreciated how the exercises were short and to the point, when I was trying to fit them in between nap times.
Q: Logistically, how did the program go for you?
A: I really liked the PDFs and the YouTube videos. The PDFs helped keep all of the work outs organized for me.
Q: Please describe the benefits you noticed from using the program:
A: I absolutely noticed improvements in how my body felt! I was a very active person before having a baby, and it took me some time to get back into the swing of things. This program helped me slowly get back into a routine, and was the perfect mixture of stretches and movement.
Q: Would you have paid for this program? Would you recommend it to someone else?
A: Yes, I would have paid for this program. I will definitely recommend it to my friends who are having babies!
Q: Overall, did you enjoy this program?
A: I felt very supported throughout the entire program. I appreciated that the program started off a little slower to help me get back into a routine, and then eventually got into some really great strength workouts. I will definitely recommend this program to other mommas I know!