Angela’s Postpartum Recovery & Exercise Guide Testimonial

Angela has tested both the prenatal and postpartum (c-section) exercise guides.

Q: How would you describe the user experience of the program?

A: When I started a new week's program, I would plan for more time so I could watch the YouTube videos and try/learn exercises. Day 2, I would glance at the notes to help me remember the videos. After day 2 of the workout, all I needed to do was look at the name of the exercise and I would remember what to do! My body began to crave the movements, especially if I would miss a day or two. I haven't returned to work yet, but the style of the program allows for me to break it up into chunks if needed, which is helpful being a mom of 2 littles!

Q: Logistically, how did the program go for you?

A: The only thing I had trouble with was clicking on the YouTube links via iPhone. I needed to use my desktop to do that, which I preferred anyways. All other UX was great.

Q: Please describe the benefits you noticed from using the program:

A: The movements felt like medicine to my breastfeeding back pain. I also had WAY less pelvic floor symptoms this time around PP.

Q: Would you have paid for this program? Would you recommend it to someone else?

A: Yes and hell yes!

Q: Overall, did you enjoy this program?

A: I'm so grateful for this. I feel so much better this time around being postpartum. I know a lot of that is because of your programs! I'm stronger and more confident. Your program has given me the tools to know how to strengthen and move my body in all the right ways for the demands of being a postpartum mother of two littles. Thank you!

The guide includes plans for both vaginal and c-section deliveries!


Jana’s Postpartum Recovery & Exercise Guide Testimonial


Taryn’s Postpartum Recovery & Exercise Guide Testimonial