Taryn’s Postpartum Recovery & Exercise Guide Testimonial

I’d like to share with you the feedback I received from one of the guide’s c-section beta testers, Taryn. She started the program at 3 weeks postpartum after her first birth.

Q: How would you describe the user experience of the program?

A: So, to start, I love love love the option to be able to watch a demonstration via video. The demonstrations provided in each of the videos were easy to follow and to the point. The provided notes section made it nice to be able to take a quick glance after watching the video if needed, but I felt that the videos provided me what I needed to keep moving forward at a good flow and especially in helping to remember the exercises for the future workouts. 

The exercises were gentle, accommodating, and low impact, which helped me to feel comfortable with the movements and especially really early on. The program incorporated exercises at a manageable pace. 

The workouts were time-efficient, which allowed me to complete them in shorter sessions, which fit into my busy schedule of being a mom and a full-time employee. Being that I have limited time and ENERGY, the program worked great for me. 

Q: Logistically, how did the program go for you?

A: The amount of equipment required was minimal and this kind of ties in with this program being extremely time-efficient. Having access to the PDFs and youtube demonstration videos were extremely helpful. 

Q: Please describe the benefits you noticed from using the program:

A: The initial workouts, which were focused on breathing, were extremely helpful for me physically and mentally so early on after giving birth. That kind of set the tone for the rest of the program. Being that I had a cesarean, my abdominal muscles and lower back were in shambles. The flow of the program and different workouts helped my ab muscles and lower back tremendously. I really do believe that the program helped me and encouraged the parts of my body that went through so much during birth to recover much more efficiently. 

Q: Would you have paid for this program? Would you recommend it to someone else?

A: I knew nothing about recovery after giving birth. Being that this was my first time, I also had no idea what to expect with recovery and how my body would respond to the traumatic (and beautiful) experience. Being that the program helped me so much from the start, I would have paid for this program and I would ABSOLUTELY recommend it to someone else that I know would benefit from it.  

Q: Overall, did you enjoy this program?

A: I loved this program. It was my first time giving birth and being that I had a cesarean this time around, this program helped me tremendously. My body had gone through so many physical and emotional changes during the birthing process, and this program was gentle and accommodating. The progressiveness of the program helped my strength to improve over time.  The workouts were time-efficient, which allowed me to complete them in shorter sessions, which fit into my busy schedule of being a mom and a full-time employee. As we know, the needs and abilities of new mothers can vary greatly, and I feel that this program really caters to this. I am very grateful for what this helped me to accomplish during my postpartum recovery and I look forward to taking it with me going forward.

The guide includes plans for both vaginal and c-section deliveries!


Angela’s Postpartum Recovery & Exercise Guide Testimonial


But what about c-sections?